Wednesday, 31 March 2010

A rose is a rose

Well today Chris (sis-in-law) has been over to mine to craft for the day, but we have had a friend join us. Lisa is a potential SU demo, who got in touch with me throught the Demo finder on SU's website. She will be a demo one day, but the time is not right just yet, so we meet up from time to time and craft for a few hours together.
Here is what the three of us came up with (or my version at least). I cased this from the internet some time ago, but am not sure who's blog it was on, so I take no credit for the idea, only for the interpretation.

Don't forget to look on the website tomorrow, or tonight after midnight for the launch of the Mini catalogue. I will be posting some samples using the goodies inside over the next few days - and don't forget your invitation to my "Open House" a week on Saturday
(April 10th) - everyone welcome, feel free to bring a friend!
Click here to view the Mini catalogue

Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Not long to wait now.............

For the launch of the Mini Catalogue! This is effective from April 1st.
To this end I am holding an "Open House" a week on Saturday (April 10th), to which everyone is invited. Here are the invitations (which I have "recycled" from my Sale-a-bration invites if you are thinking that they look familiar - they were too good to throw away!!)

Yesterdays Pictures!

Well.... last night I tried to upload a photo of the little pocket brag book, made using a one sheet wonder (as posted earlier on this blog) using the "Simply Said" stamp set.
I tried all evening with no success, and when I tried viewing other peoples' blogs - all the pictures were missing, so I can only guess that there was a technical problem out there in cyberspace!!
Anyhow, here goes.

Sunday, 28 March 2010

Ashley and Angie's birthday Cards

Angie's card is coloured in with alcohol inks - love it - it's like a chocolate orange!

Ashley's card doesn't photograph very well as the A is matted onto mirri board, so it's very reflective.

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Club Captain's Card

Tonight it's my first Golf Club Committee meeting as Lady Captain and it's a cold , wet and miserable evening, so I do hope that it doesn't go on for an age.
I have made this card for the Club Captain, to wish him good luck, good weather, good company and good golf!!

Monday, 22 March 2010

Lady Captain's Drive In photos

Here are a few of the photos from Saturday as promised.

Past Captain Mary and myself

Vice Captain Jan, myself and Mary

Most of the ladies who played on Saturday (I think the rest were inside putting on their waterproofs!)

Jan, me, Hazel and Glynis ready to brave the course on that wet morning!

Maybe now I can settle back into my cardmaking for a while - after I have played golf this morning that is!

Sunday, 21 March 2010

Busy Bee

Now I know that I have been remiss in not posting for the past few days, but I have been really busy with all the preparations for my Lady Captains Drive In, plus I have met up with Karen who is arranging the Easter Cardmaking event with the Mexbro Lions and we have planned which cards everyone will make. So I haven't been sat doing nothing - honest.
Yesterday 22 of the Sandhill Golf Club ladies joined me at the Golf Club and braved the elements for 9 holes to play in my Drive In. We all got absolutely soaked!!. Afterwards, I confessed to the ladies that had it not been my Drive-in, I would probably not have played! (I am a self confessed fair-weather golfer!! Anyway, despite the awful weather, we had a good time and enjoyed the game and the company. Barry took photos of everyone, and I will post a few photos later.
Last night we went to another Ladies Night so I was exhausted by 11:30 and we came home early (at 11:30) cos I was so tired.
Today I have been to Harrogate to the Great Northern Papercraft Extravaganza with 4 friends. We got there early and started the day off with a bacon butty and a coffee at the Golf Club, before going into the hall to spend a really enjoyable day leisurely taking in all the crafting products that were there for the taking. Didn't spend much at all, was very restrained in my spending, but had a good time. Met one of my lovely SU sisters, Linda whilst there, so we had a brief chat before resuming shopping! Came home, had a bite to eat, then Heather came over and we crafted for a few hours.
Tomorrow I am hoping for a dry game of golf with the Monday Club - am keeping my fingers crossed!

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Wednesday Craft Class

Tonight's class made the Sage shadow man's card with the star punch and Nouveau Chic papers and also this lovely cheerful card using the "In my garden" hostess stampset.

Lady Captain's Drive In Cards

Here is a sample of what Christine (sis-in-law) and I have been doing for most of the day today. I got up bright and early and stamped 3 dozen or so of this cute little golfer and dressed her all in pink! Then we spent most of the day colouring in and matting and layering and sticking ribbon on these cards. We got time off for good behaviour just before lunch when we went down to Wath market and spent a few pennies on Keith's stall. It was good to see Keith and Jill as I haven't been to the market for weeks(deliberately!), I have been spending far too much money, and have no room to store any more goodies!! Jill fetched Chris and myself a coffee and we had a good time catching up on the news as well as seeing what new stuff they had.
Chris found some Decoupage VW motorhomes card and will be making cards using this for Heather and Matt (they have a VW motorhome)
We then went back home and had a light lunch followed by Chris's lovely light lemon sponge cake (yum yum) washed down by another cuppa, then back to the grindstone to get the rest of the cards done.
Have still got to put the inserts in, but that can wait until tomorrow.
What do you think to her?

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Maggie's Birthday

Thursday 18th March is my sister Maggies birthday, so here you can take a peek at the card that I am sending her, and the card that brother-in-law (Gerald) is sending her.
I know that I am quite safe in posting this today, cos she rarely (if ever) visits my blog!

These cards feature the fabulous Designer Speciality Papers Bride and Groom - no prizes for guessing which one's which!!

Another swap

Here's a lovely little bag made from 1/2 a sheet of A4 cardstock and using the So Swirly wheel.
You can't see from these photos, but the bag contains a little bag of Maltesers - Yum Yum!!

Sandhill Golf Club Lady Captain

Well folks, last night at the Golf Club's AGM I officially became Lady Captain for 2010, when I was presented with my blazer.
Here's a picture of me (in said blazer) with the Past Lady Captain, Mary.
I expect that I will be extremely busy for at least the next 6 months, as the new Golfing season starts in April.
It is my Drive-In on Saturday so I am keeping my fingers crossed that the weather stays fine for us.

Sunday, 14 March 2010

Autumn Days

This little beauty is by Helen Read

Happy Mothers Day

Hope that all you Mums are having a lovely day.
Here are a few more of the swaps I received at the Sheffield Training Event.
This one is by Lisa1959 (Sorry Lisa I can't remember your surname!)

Saturday, 13 March 2010

SHEFFIELD SWAPS - Jill's Neighbourhood Card

Here are some of the swaps that I received from other SU Demostrators on Thursday at the Sheffield Training Event. Hope that you enjoy viewing them. I will post some more as soon as I get some free time.

This is the handiwork of Jill Boulton

Fresh Cuts

This Fresh Cuts card was made by Debbi Taylor.

Linda's Medallion Card

This card swap was made by Linda Carey

Be Happy Business Card Holder

This is a swap I made with Janice Jones (another Barnsley SU Demonstrator).
If you like this and would like to make it, you can find the instructons on her blog here

Oh what a beautiful morning!

Well the sun is shining and there's no frost on the ground so I think that a round of golf with hubby is in order today - yippee.
If you're wondering where I've been for the last two days - here's the gen.
On Thursday I went to a SU Regional Training Day in Sheffield along with 28 other Demos from the region and had a fabulous day, so inspirational. Did numerous swaps so I have a great collection of cards to share with all my lovely ladies who craft with me and all my fellow bloggers too. I just need a bit of time to actually post some piccies, but I promise that after I have played golf today, I will post some little lovelies for you -so pop back later today please.
After the training, the Demos who were staying for the evening event had a bite to eat, then we had to check that everything was in place for the SU Event that customers had been invited to attend. My Thursday Craft Class and a few more of my crafting ladies attended and all but one sat on a table together. (By the time poor Jan got there our table was full, but she still had a great time sat with other SU ladies) They all had a wonderful time watching projects being demonstrated - Julie demo'd a punched monkey and a lion that I can't wait to have a go at. There were three make and takes, two cards and a scrapbook page - everyone loved them. I got home about 10:30 and was utterly exhausted but it was worth it!
Yesterday was a busy day. I swam first thing, did the washing, actually looked at all the goodies from the Mini-Catalogue, stroked the Designer Papers and finished off 3 cards that were being picked up by customers yesterday afternoon. After lunch I went for a much needed facial, then home for a cuppa and took brother supermarket shopping. Then it was time to get showered and changed and off we went for a meal with Phil and Shirley. By the time we had eaten and come back to ours for a nightcap, I was almost falling asleep so I crawled into bed again.
This morning I feel quite refreshed and am raring to go!
Will be back later!!

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Baroque Border

Here is a zig-zag card, made using the Baroque roller, inked with versamark then embossed with gold EP. Sentiment stamped and matted onto Sage Shadow scalloped oval.
It's difficult photographing this card because of the way it opens, but I have done my best. Don't think David Bailey has anything to worry about!!
Been to Chris's (sis-in-law) today. She is not very well, as she has a tooth absess and consequently one side of her face is quite swollen. Took her some daffodils to cheer her up and we spent the best part of the day crafting. Did a cantilever card - which was a problem, as the supplier had sold this with the wrong instructions!! After a lengthy phone call, it turns out that the template Chris had bought would only work with A4 or square cards and we were trying to make A5 cards. The instructions did state quite clearly .... take 2 A5 pieces of card.......doh! We weren't amused, having spent some time trying to work out why the card didn't! Not to mention the card we had wasted. Anyway, we had another go using Square card and it worked OK this time. We then made a quick men's card and then spent another hour colouring in some digi stamps which was fab! Had a great day, them home to make a quick tea, followed by my Wednesday Craft class and more colouring in. Once again, it was uncannily quiet, so I played my Susan Boyle CD for a little background music!

Looking forward to tomorrow - its a full day's SU regional training event at Sheffield, at the Beauchief Hotel, followed by an evening of fun for demos' invited guests. Great stuff!

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Tuesday Class - Colouring In!!

The Tuesday ladies were very quiet this morning as they were all busy colouring in their stamped and embossed images, which we then used to make a birthday card (not a Fathers Day card like mine in this picture!) They all enjoyed using various pearly mediums to do their colouring in, and as I said earlier, it was very quiet. I had to remind them that it was time for a coffee break, they were so engrossed in their work!!

Nouveau Chic again!

Monday morning was another lovely sunny (if somewhat frosty) morning and I spent the best part of the day on the golf course with the ladies of the Monday Club.
Once home, decided that I wanted to experiment (play!) with the Nouveau Chic designer papers some more and came up with these simple cards using Sage shadow cardstock and ink with the Funky Forest roller. There really is no excuse for sending bought cards when you can make these fabulous cards in less than half an hour!

Sunshine Sunday

Well wasn't it lovely on Sunday. The sun was shining and it was quite a Springy day. I went swimming in the morning and tidied up the front of the house by sweeping up all the fallen soggy leaves in the afternoon. I filled up the green compost bin and can't now do any more tidying until it's emptied.
With Spring in the air I felt like making some cheerful cards and this is what I came up with. Once again I used the forever flowers wheel, but used this with both Apricot Appeal cardstock and inkpad. On one of the cards I cut out a Greenhouse Garden flower to use as an embellishment and think that this looks really pretty and fresh.

Saturday, 6 March 2010

Star Punch and Nouveau Chic

Here's a card utilising the star punch (which is on offer at 20% off normal price when purchased with its complementary stamp set "In the stars" for this month only) and the beautiful "Nouveau Chic" designer papers.
As usual I struggle with men's cards, so here's one that I have cased and to which I thank sara for the privilige of doing so.
Thanks Sara!

Friday, 5 March 2010

Mothers Day - Greenhouse garden

Last night Chris B and I played with the Greenhouse Garden stamps and we cased a card from Monica's Blog We were well pleased with the results of our "vintage" look which we made up with a combination of stamps and colours as I didn't have all the stamps that Monica had used.
This is my attempt. One of my customers has ordered a "Mumsie" Mothers Day card, and I think that he will be thrilled to bits with this.
Thanks for the inspiration Monica!

Thursday, 4 March 2010

Chris B's Card

This is a card that one of my ladies made after coming to the One sheet wonder class.
Aren't the colours beautiful- Chris has stamped this on pearlised card, which I think looks fab.

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Just for Julie

Well yesterday I played a Matchplay Doubles golf semi final with my friend Glynis (who also comes to my craft classes)against Lynn and Denise. It was a lovely afternoon and we had a great game. We also won on the 13th hole 6 up, which was a bonus.
After golf I went home, showered and changed and then went up to Pudsey for a training evening with Julie.
She has pestered me into submission, so here you can see the cards made using the "One sheet wonder" method and using the Greenhouse Garden stampset with the Pumpkin Pie, More Mustard and Real Rust cardstock and Pumpkin Pie grosgrain ribbon.
What do you think?

Monday, 1 March 2010

Perfect Pairs

From the 1st March until the 31st March you can get 20% off selected punches when you buy the co-ordinating stamp set!!
The stamp sets are:-
In the Stars - £24.95 - you get the matching Star punch for £10.00
Flight of the Butterfly - £23.95 - matching Butterfly punch for £10.00
Say it with Scallops - £14.95 - matching Scallop Square punch £10.00
Oval All - £14.95 - matching Scallop Oval punch £10.00
Simply Said - £22.95 - MATCHING LIMITED EDITION HEART PUNCH for £10.00
(which will not be avaliable again until the New 2010-2011 catalogue is released in October!!)
To place your order simply email me at