At 1:16 Barry and I set off for our round of golf, Barry playing in the men's comp, myself playing in the Ladies Summer Stableford. It was still bitterly cold with an icy wind blowing, and we invited Hazel and Ann, who were playing behind us, to join us to save time. Barry gave in to the elements after 9 holes and went home, Ann, Hazel and I plodded on. We didn't have an exceptional game, but the company and conversation made up for both the weather and standard of play! I ended up with 29 points, which is not exceptional, but on checking everyones scores, it turned out to be the best of the day, so I felt a little better.
Went home after a drink in the clubhouse, and prepared a very late dinner for Barry and I, watched my favourite Corrie, then went into the craft room.
Spent an hour or two making cards, was too tired to photo them, so I went to bed, totally shattered!
Today I have taken photos of the cards I made yesterday - here they are

These two are from the Fox and friends stampset in bashful blue and whisper white, they would make lovely little boys cards.
Ahhh, these cards are so sweet, Kate! Still havent used this set, and it was the main one I wanted when I saw the Mini Cat.
Ps. You can case my stuff anytime!!!